What is a wetland?
Wetlands (rivers, lakes, canals, wet meadows, bogs, etc.) offer many benefits to human habitations when they are well-preserved and in good condition.
They act like sponges, holding back floods, and restoring water in times of drought. They function as natural filters to improve water quality. They absorb CO2, contributing to the fight against climate change, and bring freshness in periods of extreme drought, which unfortunately are bound to become more frequent.

A natural resource under threat
Wetlands are hugely important for natural diversity.
In France, 30% of rare or threatened plant species are found in wetlands and 50% of bird species spend part or all of their life cycles in wetlands. Not to mention fish and amphibians that depend 100% on them!
These environments are under all sorts of pressure. In France, the wetland area has decreased by more than half since 1950, and more than 40% of wetlands studied between 2010 and 2020 have degraded.

Support the projects of the Fondation des pêcheurs!
The Fondation des pêcheurs has already acquired more than 200 hectares of aquatic territory meet to these various challenges: restoration of river annexes, prevention of over-development, rewilding, flood protection and even the preservation of quiet zones. Projects are underway in Seine-Maritime, Pyrenées-Atlantiques, Morbihan and Cantal. But there is still so much to do… Help the foundation to protect the biodiversity of our wetlands all over France.
Our wetlands and aquatic environments need you!